Bring your dream to life
fastest bikes in the PNW
Vintage Restoration

speed & custom

Over 20 years of research, Trial & Error & Process development, enables us to provide High Quality, reliable Service for your V-Twin.


Performance Recommendations come from years of racing, our track experiences help us find Strengths & Weaknesses, enabling us to pass that wisdom to our Clients

Engine, Suspension, Electronics, we offer solutions for all types & levels of riding


We offer Tuning Services for all EFI & Carb V-Twins using the Dynojet 250i

Our Advanced Tuning Program for M8 & Twincam is highly regarded in the industry as one of the best on the West Coast

schedule appointment


We work with the best Manufacturers in the World, but sometimes you need something a little more unique

We Fabricate, Tig Weld, Shape Metal, if we're not able to find you the right solution, we'll make one!