speed & custom
Over 20 years of research, Trial & Error & Process development, enables us to provide High Quality, reliable Service for your V-Twin.

Performance Recommendations come from years of racing, our track experiences help us find Strengths & Weaknesses, enabling us to pass that wisdom to our Clients
Engine, Suspension, Electronics, we offer solutions for all types & levels of riding
We offer Tuning Services for all EFI & Carb V-Twins using the Dynojet 250i
Our Advanced Tuning Program for M8 & Twincam is highly regarded in the industry as one of the best on the West Coast

We work with the best Manufacturers in the World, but sometimes you need something a little more unique
We Fabricate, Tig Weld, Shape Metal, if we're not able to find you the right solution, we'll make one!